MICROSTEP - SK - electrical protection project, the supply of electrical protections including cabinets, entry into service a total of 5 generators in the South - Donovaly location, Elected
CEZ Logistics Co. - Ryo to protection switching Albrechtice (SME), protection switching to Ryo Kojetín, Moravian Beroun, Great Hoštice (SME), and recovery operation, installation software license
KOMPEL Co. - The supply of current protections - RIT3
CEZ Distribution, a.s. - Study the operation of HC Vydra in HV networks
I-center s.r.o. (ZS Brno) - delivery of effective protection to the stream - 10 x REFI and 4 x refute the filter unit for traction
SEKV electric project Drahany of VTE, delivery of electrical protection
EZ Besa Co. (SK) - Protection RIT1F for traction
ENVI Energo, a.s. - The project of electric VTE Záblatí - Vestas 2 x 2 MW
ECO-Power Cologne - voltage protection for TG4, TG5 secondary test
Schneider Electric CZ - Electrical protection Bantice for VTE, VTE Maletín
Year 2005
EPRI, a.s. - Protection Ryo, SS Cervenka
Elektrovod Holding Co. - Ryo to protection switching Hanušovice (SME)
Elektrola, s.r.o - el. protection - 4 x RTCZ, 4xRIT2S, 4xRIo-2 to the power station for rail
BJV Electronics Co. - Ryo to protection switching Ropice (SME)
EZ Besa Co. - SK - project electrical generator protections TG3, switching Stage IV, the supply of electrical protection, entry into service in TP Martin
Siemens, Schneider - the supply of 4 pcs protection type RUF3 a Riga-D Electric CZ wind power to 850 kW VESTAS type
Elektrola Ltd. - the supply of digital test equipment DTZ1
Year 2004
BJV Electronics Co. - Delivery of 19 pcs Ryo protections in distribution Liskovec (SME)
Siemens - spare parts for 7 sugar factories in Iran, specification - Electrical protection for 14 generators, total 70 pcs
BJV Electronics Co. - Delivery of 16 pcs Ryo protections in distribution of Great Hoštice (SME)
AQUA Břeclav, p., ltd - Wind power project Břežany (5 x 850 kW)
MSEM, a.s. - Delivery of 6 pcs Ryo protections in distribution Vrbno (SME)
Senergos Co. - The supply of 9 pcs Ryo protections in distribution Konice (JME), 8 / 2004 entry into service
WindInvest, p., ltd - Wind power project Protivanov (2 x 1500 kW)
MK Service (SK) - delivery and entry into service 13 pcs ground. protections Ryo-Slovakia
JME a.s. - Delivery of 17 pc protection Ryo do switching rip, installation, commissioning
KOMPEL Co. - The supply current protection - 8 x RIT3
Senergos Co. - Delivery of 18 pieces to switch protections Ryo Kyjov (JME) 10/2004 entry into service
Elektrovod Holding Co. - Delivery 19ks Ryo do switching protections Pribor (SME) as DRIBO - Supply 8ks protections RIY for AutoReclosery networks JME
MK Service (SK) - delivery and entry into service 15 pcs
Ground. protections Ryo - Slovakia (Sládkovičovo)
EZ Besa Co. - SK - project electrical generator TG2 protection, switching Stage II, the supply of electrical protection, entry into service in TP Martin
Amplus service, a.s. - Delivery of 24 units Ryo protections to switch power Třebovice (SME), entry into service
Year 2003
UNIS a.s. - Electrical protection settings for ABB gas transit station (Belarus)
MK Service (Slovakia) - delivery and entry into service of 56 pieces ground. protections Ryo
WindInvest, ELDACO - a study on wind power connection Protivanov
AQUA Drahany Center, Břežany EPRI, a.s. - Delivery of 17 pc protection Ryo, commissioning
KOMPEL Co. - The supply of 10 type protection RIT3
MicroStep spol. ltd (SK) - the supply of switchboards protections for HC Hodonín
MK Service (SK) - delivery and entry into service of 15 pcs (rozvodna Senec) ground. protections Ryo
MK Service (SK) - delivery and entry into service of 46 pieces (4 switch) ground. protections Ryo
Year 2002
ALSTOM Power Co. - Technical assistance in evaluating power plant accident in Heiligenkreuz (Austria)
ALSTOM Power - Primary testing, commissioning TG1, 2, sugar cane, Iran, Czech, sro in Iran, turbine 3,4, power 4.8 MW
VETROPACK MORAVIA - supply of 5 pcs for transformer protection RIT2S vn / nn, installation, commissioning, setting protection in distribution 22 kV
KOMPEL Co. - Delivery of 6 pcs protection type RIT3
JME a.s. - Supply and installation of 47 pieces of ground admitančních protection type Ryo in rozvodnách 22 kV Vyskov in Moravia, Uherský Brod, Slušovice, commissioning
NIKO Ltd. - connecting wind power to networks JME, SME and VČE - study reversing the effects of VTE on the network some
MK Service (Slovakia) - delivery and entry into service of 34 pieces ground. protections Ryo
JME a.s. - Supply and installation of 34 pieces of ground admitančních protection type Ryo in rozvodnách 22 kV Čebín, Bohunice, Uh. Hradiste, commissioning
ALSTOM Power - primary testing, commissioning TG1, 2, sugar cane, Iran, Czech, sro in Iran, turbine 5,6, power 4.8 MW
Year 2001
ABB DIZ Co. - Protection of electric generator project TG2 11 MW combined heat and power Přerov, supply switchboards protection, a secondary test, the primary testing, commissioning
JME a.s. -supply and installation of 119 pieces of ground admitančních protection type Ryo rozvodnách 22 kV in Jihlava, Ptáčov, Namest. Znojmo, Moravske Budejovice, commissioning
Year 2000
ALSTOM Power Czech - supply switchboards protection, measurement and synchronization for the Sugar Cane Ltd. in Iran, turbine 5, 6, power 4.8 MW
VETROPACK MORAVIA - analysis of the electrical wiring in some rozvodně VMG, reconstruction and protection GLASS turbo 2.5 MW, 1.6 MW, 0.9 MW
IVAR a.s. - Delivery of electrical protection for hydroelectric power - 750 kVA, Pakistan
ALSTOM Power - supply switchboards protection, measurement and synchronization for the Sugar Cane Czech, see Iran, turbine 7, 8, power 4.8 MW
ALSTOM - supply switchboards protection, measurement and synchronization for the Sugar Cane Power Czech, sro in Iran, turbine 9, 10, power 4.8 MW
Bohemia Instruments a.s. - Supply switchboards protections for aquatic plant Znojmo TG1-750 kVA
ALSTOM Power Primary testing, commissioning TG1, 2, sugar cane, Iran, Czech, sro in Iran, turbine 1.2, power 4.8 MW
Year 1999
Prošek and, with, / INOTEC / - to set the SCP Ruzomberok, supply cabinets protections, the secondary test, the primary testing, commissioning of generators, a project to set protection in high voltage distribution, project odlehčování frequency and island operation
Teplárna Cologne - switchboards supply power for the protection Cologne, TG5 - 12 MW
ABB DIZ Co. - Supply switchboards protection, measurement and synchronization for Incinerator Bolton, TG 12 MVA, England
ABB ENS Co. - Supply of switchboards protection, measurement and synchronization for sugar cane in Iran, turbine 3,4, power 4.8 MW
CKD DIZ Prague, a.s. - Project settings electrical protection and control of operating voltage set 1.44/01, 02 HV1, 2 dieselgenerátoru 6.3 MW Temelín, the primary test and measurement aut.pochodů the entry into service
Year 1998
ABB EJF Installation Co. - Supply protection switchboard, synchronization and measurement for the 6.6 MW generator in Novosibirsk
JME - fitting Co. - Supply switchboards protections for hydroelectric power Whirl II, 1 MVA, the primary testing and putting into service
ABB ENS Co. - Supply switchboards protection, measurement and synchronization for sugar cane in Iran, turbine 1.2, power 4.8 MW
Bohemia Instruments a.s. - Supply switchboards protections for aquatic plant Znojmo TG2-750 kVA
Energy Trinec a.s. - Supply and installation of 64 pieces of digital frequency protection type RFT21, addressing traffic island in Třineckých iron, measurement and evaluation of automated processes in island systems
CKD DIZ Prague, a.s. - Project settings electrical protection and control of operating voltage File 1.44 / 1.2 HV1 dieselgenerátoru 6.3 MW in the Temelin nuclear power, the primary test and measurement processes for the automatic entry into service
Year 1997
ABB EJF Installation Co. - Project documentation protections CHPs MILO Olomouc, 2,8 MW and supply of switchboards protections, phasing and measurement
Teplárna Cologne a.s. -project documentation generator for TG4 -7.15 MVA
Supply of switchboards and protection, the contract for power Cologne 6 / 97
ABB EJF Installation Co. - Supply switchboards protection and synchronization generator TG1 - 37,5 MVA power for Rubber Group, as
CKD DIZ Prague, a.s. - Project settings electrical protection and control voltage 3 diesel-2.8 MW generators in nuclear power Mochovce, the primary test, measurement and automated processes at start-up
CKD DIZ Prague, a.s. - Project settings electrical protection and control of operating voltage File 1.44 / 3 dieselgenerátoru 6.3 MW in the Temelin nuclear power, the primary tests, measurements of cars. processes at start-up
Year 1996
ET Energy Trinec a.s. - The setting. protections TG12, 40 MVA, power Trinec a.s.
ABB EJF Installation Co. - The setting. ABB protections for TG1 ,2-37, 5 MVA in rubber a.s.